11 am

Owners present:


Board Members Present -

LeRoy Seeley (President), Steve Stemhagen (Vice President),

Hannah, Secretary, Wilbur Dukes, Bob Robinson

Board Members Absent -

Alice Carey, Ron Ward


January 28, 2012


Open Meeting:


Minutes from the November 19, 2011 meeting accepted.

Treasurers Report:

December 31, 2011 Year End Report:

Key Bank

Sound Bank




( 10,832.49) Pre-paid 2012 dues


9.411.43) Road repair Collected Balance

$ 4,587.17 Last minute, unexpected collections $ 3,366.80


Projected Year End



$ 1,220.37


2011 Dues to collect


2,974.67 - 8 owners

Reserve Acct.

Road Repairs:





to be collected

$ 53,361.00


( 35,457.84)





Grace period ends 1/31/12.



*2 members were sent to Collection,1 member is in Bankruptcy,2 members will be going to

foreclosure,1 member will be sent to Collections,2 members were sent 30 day water shut-off letters

Discussion: which account(s) the $4,587.17 balance needs to go in. Deferred till able to speak with


Lengthy discussion regarding Lennea O'Roke's non-payment of monies owing Taylor Bay Beach Club

for dues, assessment and fines. Her refusal to communicate, to complete a payment plan, to comply

with policies resulted in her water being shut-off.

A motion was made by Bob Robinson to cap the fine, per our policy at $500.00 for non-compliance of

Article VIII, Section V, 2,e,

Aggressive dogs at large, and to place a lien on her property for

the sum of the fees owed and not to turn water back on until such is paid in full. Also to contact

Pierce County Building Department and identify the residence as a "dangerous building". Motion


Modification to the motion was made by Bob Robinson to include pay the balance of dues owed for

2011 and formally submit a payment plan acceptable to the board by January 31, 2012. Motion


A conference call between Lennea O'Roke and the board members followed. Mrs. O'Roke was advised

that before water is restored, the amount of $ 1,000.50 plus an additional $100.00 water reconnect

fee, are due and payable in full in as well as the requirement in which a formal written payment plan

be submitted to the board for acceptance no later than January 31, 2012.

Four payment plans for 2012 dues were submitted for board approval: Eskew, Cowan, Haynes and

Ken Brown.

A motion was made by Bob Robinson to approve the submitted payment plan for 2012 dues for

Eskew. Motion carries.

A motion was made by Sue Hannah to approve the submitted payment plan for 2012 dues for Cowan.

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Bob Robinson to approve the submitted payment plan for 2012 dues for

Haynes. Motion carries.

A motion was made by Bob Robinson to approve the submitted payment plan for 2012 dues for Ken

Brown. Motion carries.

An accounting of members who still owe for the Road Repair Assessment was not available for the

board to take action upon. This information will need to be obtained from the Treasurer before

determining further action. A question was raised by Bob on the procedure for accounts payable. This

will also be addressed with the Treasurer.

A motion was made by Bob Robinson to Postpone the approval of the minutes until such time as

the Treasurer can be contacted to secure the needed information. Motion carries.

Action item: Schedule a conference call meeting with Alice.

From the President:

Thank you to LeRoy and Lois Seeley for hosting the meeting in their home.

Welcomed all owners present.

The Agenda is modified to include a PEP-C. org flyer : Lists especially for the Key Peninsula, those to

contact in case of a disaster. A copy will be made available on the bulletin boards.

The Pump House was inspected on December 23rd, 2011 by the Pierce County Health Department.

Bill Van Buskirk, our Water/Sewer

operator and LeRoy were present. The inspector was very

impressed with the building. TBBC was billed $800.00 for this inspection.

LeRoy reported he called the State of Washington to find out why we were billed. He was told the

State contracts with counties to inspect smaller water systems for them and the charge was

legitimate. LeRoy was told that the inspections are done every 3-5 years. Since we were unaware of

the charge for this inspection we had not budgeted for it. Bob suggested LeRoy call for a copy of the


LeRoy reported he has secured a new and less expensive source for the chlorine supplies.

Special Committee's Report:

Policy Compliance Committee:

Bob asked for the names of those serving on the Policy Compliance Committee. It was noted that four

(4) board members are currently serving on the committee. Sue Hannah, Chairwoman, Alice Carey,

Steve Stemhagen, Wilbur Dukes.

LeRoy: no more than 3 board members should be serving at a time to avoid the committee from

having a majority vote on issues pertaining to policies and by-laws. In addition, those serving are to

be appointed by the President, according to Robert's Rules. The original selection of committee

members was two (2) members and one ( 1) board member. No members are serving as volunteers

currently. Bob asked if Steve, Wilbur or Sue wished to vacate their place on the committee. Wilbur

stated he would be willing to vacate. LeRoy noted that Alice is sufficiently busy with the duties as

Treasurer and should be removed. Bob agreed. An appeal was made for volunteers were sought from

those in attendance . No one present volunteered.

Volunteers in the membership are encouraged to participate in this committee and in any

other capacity they can.

A motion was made by Bob Robinson to remove Alice Carey from the Policy Compliance Committee

due to her duties as Treasurer and in doing so the committee would then be in compliance with its

original intent. Steve, Sue and Wilbur are nominated to serve on the committee. Motion carries.

Letters were sent to five (5) owners for various policy or by-law infractions. Three (3) members

complied in a timely manner. One (1) has not responded and another has had her water shut-off due

to non-compliance.

Motion was made and carried to accept the Policy Compliance Committee's report.

Old Business:

Beach erosion project: Ken reports the temporary fix is holding well.

Right of way tree removal by Jeanne Weston: Completed satisfactorily.

Policy 09-01 revision completed 11.19.11.

Discussion regarding further revision of policy 09-01 regarding the water disconnect and re-connect


A motion was made by LeRoy Seeley to remove the $100.00 disconnect fee and raise the re-connect

fee to $200.00. The motion was seconded. Discussion followed to further discuss making policy 09-

01 more comprehensive. Motion was denied.

Action item:

Schedule a meeting to further discuss revising policies.

Unfinished Business:

Roaming intruder: Discussion regarding

a resident who has

properties uninvited especially late at night and early mornings.





New Business:

Ken's Storm Cleanup Proposal:The snow and ice storm last month caused extensive damage to

TBBC trees as well as to residential trees. Ken brought forth a proposal on how best to address

the clean up:

a. Hire Peninsula Lawn & Garden

b. Hire Jim Carey

It was agreed that the budget does not allow for a or b. Proposal is deferred.

A beach burn pile for the community where residents can haul their yard debris to, (NO

GARBAGE OR PROCESSED WOOD)has been approved and established. This can be done over

the winter and burned in the near future after proper permits are secured.

Mailboxes: Questions regarding how many residents vs non residents have a mailbox and

whether an owner has more than 1 mailbox.

5 Year Plan: discussion on how to develop a 5 year plan and the allocation of funds for the

replacement/renewal of the sewer plant, water system,

beach erosion and

beach road

maintenance, road maintenance, and gate. Anything that requires renewal and repair. To

develop a skeleton document to send out to the membership for feedback. It was suggested to

assign a special committee to address each item separately. A suggestion to provide line

items in the budget for each.

Action item: Include development of the skeleton document during the

conference call with Alice.

Les Cowan reported there maybe a water break in front of his home. He has greatly

diminished water pressure and the ditch in front of his home is now always full of water.

Action item:

Someone needs to follow up on this possible water break.

Date of next meeting:

*Place to be determined.







Meeting adjourned

Sue Hannah, Secretary